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  Title Copies
American Annals for the Deaf Vol.123, No.6 
Year: 1978 
American Annals for the Deaf Vol.125, No.7 
Year: 1980 
The American Sign Language Dictionary CD-ROM 
In Transition: Interactive Situations for Interpreting Practice on Transition to College 
Year: 2002 
Goats, Trolls, and Numbskulls: A Middle School Lecture on Folklore Genres with Lise Lunge-Larsen 
Year: 2003 
Your Child's Hearing 
By the Book: Interpreting an Intake in a County Jail 
Year: 2004 
The Law and The Deaf 
Year: 1964 
Let Our Children Go 
Year: 1974 
American Annals for the Deaf Vol.125, No.8 
Year: 1980